How a VIP Copy Day works:
the breakdown

Do you need more details about how a VIP Copy Day works?

No problem! It’s a simple 4-step process, and I’m here to help.

The beauty of the VIP Copy Day is that you’ll know upfront what you’re getting and when you’ll get it.

You can relax while I do the work- all you have to do is give feedback.

Let’s dive in 😊

Step 1: Book your VIP Copy Day

To get started, you’ll need to secure your VIP Copy Day.

You select a date from my calendar and lock it in with a 50% deposit (AUD).

Please note- when choosing your date, you don’t have to be available all day. You only need to be available to give feedback at the end of the day.

Step 2: Complete your pre-work

This step combines two things- the Workbook and the Strategy Call.

You complete the Workbook, and then we meet for the Strategy Call, so we’re both clear about what happens next.

I’ll send you the Workbook seven to ten days before your VIP Copy Day with some guiding questions. You’ll introduce me to your business and share your vision so I can produce copy like you’ve written it yourself!

Once you send me your Workbook, we’ll schedule a Strategy Call.

We’ll meet on Zoom (for 60 minutes) four to seven days before your scheduled VIP Copy Day.

On the call, we’ll dive into your business and get crystal clear about what you want to achieve now and in the future. And how the VIP Copy Day can support your vision.

The combination of the Workbook and Strategy Call is the secret to a highly effective VIP Copy Day.

Step 3: Your VIP Copy Day

Now I’ve got everything I need to get started.

As I only work with one client at a time, I’m 100% laser-focused on you and your project, and you don’t need to do a thing.

I’ll let you know when I get started and keep you in the loop with short updates (via WhatsApp, text or another channel), but there’s no need for you to engage.

I’ll complete a solid first draft and send it to you for feedback with a walkthrough video.

Please note:

If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll have the late afternoon/evening (of the booked date) to give feedback.

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll have nearly the whole day (the day after the booked date) to give feedback.

Getting your feedback is essential.

You can suggest changes, make comments, or include extra info to help me create your perfect final draft.

Now your marketing content is DONE! I’ll email it to you in a ready-to-use format with a handover video and send you a quick message to let you know.

Step 4: Post-VIP Copy Day support

My goal is to exceed expectations and make sure you LOVE your new copy.

So, I follow up with a 30-minute check-in call within 14 days of completing the project to see if you’re happy or if you have any questions.😊

Book your VIP Copy Day now

Your Investment: $1500 AUD (per day)
(special introductory offer)

Still have questions?

Book a 20-minute, no-obligation Discovery Call

and all your questions will be answered!